Lark Camp Virtual Cabaret, Online Instruction, & Refunds

The Lark Camp team hopes you’re all adjusting to our strange, new reality. It was heartbreaking to have to cancel camp, but it was the only way to take good care of our Lark tribe. Fingers crossed, there will be a Lark Camp 2021 – and what a reunion that will be!

Please join us at the Lark Camp Virtual Cabaret

Here’s a fun opportunity to hang out with and support our Lark community. Led by Danese Cooper, a team of folks are creating an immersive, 90-minute cabaret, airing at 7 pm Pacific time on Friday, June 5 (we’ll send details in a few days for how to view it). You’ll watch fellow Larkies perform, and you’ll have the option adding a tip for the performances. All proceeds will be divided equally among the performers that so far include (more will be added) Radim Zenkl, Mark Nelson, Aryeh Frankfurter and Lisa Lynne Franco, Ben Jaber and Audrey Knuth, Three Mile Stone (Marla Fibish, Erin Shrader, and Richard Mandel). We’re already making plans for a second Cabaret in July, and there’s still space if you’d like to apply to perform, tell a story, or even a joke! Get the application form.

Lark Camp teachers offer private online lessons 

If you’re looking for inspiration and a way to sharpen your musical skills before the next time we meet in Mendocino, you’re in luck. Some Lark teachers are available for virtual lessons. (Lark Camp is not facilitating these lessons; the times, cost, and so on, are between you and the instructor.) To connect with them directly, download the Private Instruction List. You’ll also find links to that list on the About Lark Camp and Covid-19 page and the Workshops page of our website. 

Another resource for virtual learning is a new organization called the Ministry of Folk. It provides all sorts of info and support, including how to find online teachers, advice on taking virtual lessons, and even how to do your own videos using the Acapella application.


If you paid for camp but haven’t yet applied to receive your refund, here’s how to get it: in the next week or two, look for an email from Lark Camp registration with the link to the refund form you’ll need to fill out – or search your in-box for a similar email we sent a while ago. We can’t keep your payment for 2020 to pay for Lark Camp 2021, but you can make a tax-deductible donation of all or part of it. If you need further information, contact