
Alexandre (Cano) Cadarso has been teaching Galician traditional music for decades with his organization Follas Novas in Santiago de Compostela. He has played with a number of well-known Galician traditional groups that include: A.F. Cantigas e Agarimos, Durindaina, Brincadeira, Verdegaio, and A Requinta de Amaia. He currently plays with the groups Os Muineiros de Sarelo, and Etnogáfico das Marinas. He has written four books, A Requita Adobada (2012) Juan Bello Mallou, O Gaiteiro das Casas Novas (2013), Cantigas de Taberna (2017), and The Essence of Our Traditional Sound (2021), and he is currently at work on a book about the music and lore of the blind street fiddlers of Galicia.